Saturday, August 4, 2007

STOP the abuse!

Various news media and human rights group reporting human rights abuses in Ogaden and asking the Ethiopian government and the rebels to respect international law and take all possible steps to avoid civilian casualties.

Rights Group Accuses Ethiopia of Abuses in Ogaden

Ogaden Crackdown Carries High Human Cost

We have all heard government abuses done to our brothers and sisters of Awassa, Afar, Sidamo, Gambella, etc… and we didn't do anything.

It's about time we stand against human right abuses and do something before it is too late. Maybe we don't exactly see where or how to move. Whatever is done to our brothers and sisters every abuse is worse than all the previous abuses and what is reported.
We can't and shouldn't allow for the next to happen. We need to act! We are not alone! Human rights abuse anywhere is human rights abuse everywhere.

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