Friday, August 3, 2007

Ex-leader apologized

Ethiopian ex-leader Gidada said he is prepared to accept personal and collective accountability for human rights violations.
"How many have died … are crippled … in prison and how many have run away to other countries because of the brutality of the government, I do not know exactly," he said. "What I can only say at the moment is I am very sorry."

Questions shower Ethiopian ex-leader

Is an apology enough to forgive?
The first step to forgiveness starts with an apology and I think the ex-leader did just that apologizing for all wrong doings during his reign. Hope others also come to their senses and follow the ex-leader and learn from it. No one is tied to being right all the time and accepting mistakes is important in learning.
This might be unusual for us, Ethiopians, to hear this kind of statements from high officials but recognizing past mistakes and making amends for them is a big step in the right directions.
Human rights are still violated in Ethiopia and this has to stop now! All actions committed not only the government but all who are part of the regime are responsible and will be held accountable for it. Until all come to their senses the the past will continue to haunt them forever.

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