Sunday, August 26, 2007

Happy Millennium! If Everyone Care

On September 11, 2007 the 2nd Millennium, year 2000, will be celebrated by Ethiopians in Ethiopia and through out the world. *1

Amidst all the problems facing the country, the government is advertising and preparing the festival as an event that should be celebrated and shouldn't be missed by anyone.

"The Millennium party is not to be missed!"; "Are you kidding me…of course I will be there". I hear this and that from people who are coming to the party. Well, good for them and I wished them all 'Happy New Year!' already.

These people saying this are the ones who are out in touch with the reality. May you come or go and celebrate the Millennium in the land of where there is oppression, poverty and social injustice!

Having said that what should be the reasons we really celebrate the Millennium?

I myself think the Millennium should be celebrated because it's a once in a life time thing, so why not. However, it should not be celebrated for the same reason as how the regime wants us to celebrate. Besides, the Millennium is not only about its celebration and festivities. It's beyond its meaning, the beginnings of all beginnings where we start setting new goals and how we achieve them in the future. By seizing this moment, the Millennium, I ask you my sisters and brothers, to set goals for the sake of our nation and its people. Our country needs us as never before.

By adapting the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDG)*2 which embody the aspiration of the human betterment we can make commitment to ourselves in helping to achieve the goals. The MDG set these goals because we own the problems and by direct or indirect involvement we can take actions to achieve these goals. To do this we have all the help we need and the United Nations Africa Millennium Development Goals has already declared to assist us in our struggle for lasting peace, poverty eradication and sustainable development. What we need is a strong government leadership and good polices.

We owe a lot to our people and country. We need to start to care for each other and spread the message of hope to every one we know. Let us hope that the Millennium will be a moment where we unite once and for all. It shall be a Millennium of hope, of dignity, of human rights, of freedom and democracy. Let us realize the dream. I know we can make it.

We should be thankful to all our friends who have stood by us and in good and bad times and hope their caring and loving for our country continue beyond the Millennium. History will always remember them!

*1 The Ethiopian calendar, consists of 12 months of 30 days and a 13th month of 5 or 6 days every leap year (every 4 years).

*2 The Millennium Development Goals (2000-2015 E.C.)
• Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
• Achieve universal primary education
• Promote gender equality and empower women
• Reduce child mortality
• Improve maternal health
• Combat HIV/AIDS
• Ensure environmental sustainability
• Develop a global partnership for development

Source: The Millennium Development Goals in Africa

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