Friday, May 1, 2009

Nothing but the truth

Repression and poverty have demoralized Ethiopians and made them subjects to dictators. The people seem to accept the brutality of the TPLF/EPRDF (the ruling party - a regime which is terrorizing the people). The current regime is preparing to rule the country for life. 18 years have passed since the regime came to power and it has become more and more dominant. The TPLF/EPRDF still rules today with its divisive politics and wants to victimize the Ethiopian people.

The TPLF/EPRDF jails its citizens simply because they have different political views or because they criticize the regime. Ms. Bertukan, a peaceful opposition leader was jailed for not saying sorry for a statement she made about the controversial pardon that was facilitated by the local elders.

All prisoners of conscience including Ms. Bertukan Mideksa could have bowed to the demands of the TPLF/EPRDF. She could have abandoned her party and supporters and joined the regime. She could have simply gone home to her mother and her daughter Hale but chose to stand up for her rights.

To give in would be exactly what the regime wants which is to continue to humiliate any opposition to its rule by forcing others to join their repressive group, the TPLF/EPRDF.

By imprisoning Ms. Bertukan and others like her, it shows that the regime uses force on its citizens instead of cherishing and protecting them.

Free Bertukan and all prisoners of conscience! NOW!

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