Monday, July 27, 2009

more of the same

The 2005 Ethiopian election is remembered by all Ethiopians because it was the year that the people rejected the tyrant regime with Ballots. On the Election Day all Ethiopians said NO to tyranny and dictatorial rule by voting to oppositions. But, the will of the people administered by the result of the Ballots were refuted by the tyrant regime`s Bullets.
Five years after this election, in 2010, Ethiopians will go to the polls again. The tyrant regime has and is closing all avenues for a peaceful democratic change and it’s already predicted that the outcome will be ‘more of the same” as it was in the last election, in 2005.

Here is how the election will be run:It will be run by the regime “only” to self claim that it has won; to try to impress the International community’s mainly lying to them with what is already known and by wasting their money.
Here is what really will happen in 2010 Election:- Harassment, imprisonments, closure of offices throughout the country
- No opposition (political) party, no civil society organizations, no free press, no justice
- Arrests, disappearances, mass killings of citizen without due process of law
- Self-serving polices
- Misusing poverty
- Vote repression/Voter intimidation
- Barring of foreign monitors from polls
- Voter suppression and corruption, etc…

More of the same:
It will be more of the same as it was in the last election - stealing the election as the tyrant regime did in 2005 election. The donor countries, both East and West governments will keep continue recognizing and cooperating with the tyrant regime. What is left for Ethiopian people is to continue to live with the increasing repression.